What is Night Mode?
Night mode allows you to automatically turn off your table over night. This can help save energy and will help prolong the life of your Sisyphus by turning it off during times you’re not around to enjoy it.
Open the Sisyphus App and connect to your Sisyphus. Go to the “Settings” page and select “Night Mode”
- Check the box “Enable Night Mode”
- The first box labeled “Sleep” is the time you want the time you want the table to go to sleep (Turn off).
- The second box labeled "Wake” is the time you want time you want the table to wake up (Turn back on).
- “Enable Night Light” - with this box checked, your Sisyphus will leave a light on at the specified brightness for the duration of Night Mode
- “Always Play on Wake” - with this box checked, your Sisyphus will automatically “Play” when it wakes up from Night Mode, regardless of whether it was stopped before going to sleep.